About US
We provide personalized telehealth in person and concierge services to patients quickly and efficiently. Telehealth is available to anyone throughout Texas, Florida, and more states to follow, whether insured or not.
Led by Christelle T. Oben, FNP-BC, the team makes it possible to receive reliable health care without making a trip to a clinic or urgent care.
Patients can make an appointment and be connected to a provider immediately without commuting, checking in, or sitting in a waiting room.
Our Goal is
to improve the affordability and accessibility of healthcare and the quality of life for all our patients. Our experienced and board-certified nurse practitioner will make scheduled visits using a personalized, compassionate, client-focused, time-efficient, and cost-effective approach to deliver quality health services to you.
Our vision & Mission
Taks Care Group healthcare system’s vision is to provide accessible and comprehensive services to improve people’s health, regardless of their status or conditions. The system’s services include prevention, cure, and rehabilitation, based on scientific practices that ensure equal opportunities for all to achieve and maintain good health and contribute positively to society. Equitable and affordable services through evidence-based practices are the system’s dedication to improving health outcomes.